Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I really forgot about my blog.

Well, Kim reminded me today that I had not blogged for a long while. Wow. So I should probably take a few days and summarize what has happened since May. Not that I have an interesting life, but since this is a blog for posterity sake, here goes.

We finished last school year. All three of us, barely. Yes, Connor received a not totally unexpected lovely letter from his principle letting him know that next year might need a definate new strategy of Connor's part. Love that Connor. Luckily, Connor started changing some of his tune by allowing his love for camping and Scouts to re-emerge into his world.

Sean got a school award for being in the top 10% in the nation in his grade for the national math testing. Way to go my little math wizard! I had no idea that we had started a math obsessed child when we played math games in the car...everything is somehow an equation for Seing. Plus, Sean's spring soccer team played awesome together so his coach decided to invite the team to join an indoor summer soccer league.

And I got to start the summer out being unemployed and yet somewhat hopeful after completing my first year in the new construction management program at U.V.U. I had no idea what was in store for all of us.....especially me.