Sunday, November 30, 2008
thanksgiving leftovers
seinge, "mom, how long will i have the flu." me:"i don't know." "well mom i still can't go to church." even though he is wide awake and cute and cuddle-buddle as always. "so can i go downstairs and play playstation then?"this is our conversation right now at 5 am in the morning after two days of throwups and montezuma's revenge. oh how we love those little viruses that wiggle thru and end up inside our bodies.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
bubbles after r.e.m
to self read this: from dreams to the paper. uht oh, they put mind mapping in this article. mind mapping means for me that my little map of bubbles will go on and on and on and on, since everything that pops into my mind seems to open up a new channel leading from inside my primary source, the right side of my brain!
Monday, November 24, 2008 blues
..i'm kinda discouraged. I signed up for the,8197,726-1-679,00.html and,8197,726-1-677,00.html on the morning it was available to the public clear back in October. And with all the available nights and tickets, we didn't get chosen for either event. maybe its the advisary talking but it seems like it would be easier to get into Christmas Mass with the Pope at the Vatican then it is to get into a Mormon Temple Square event such as this.
the Chronicles of Narnia

...we did it, seingine and I just finished THE MAGICIAN'S NEPHEW. It was good. I never read that series as a kid. So I have never read any exerpt or article in regards to it, so I can say this without having been biased. And of course it is my opinion, so if it is not what the author intended, well then it is what I got out of it. It reminded me so much of reading a modern day work of mythology, mixed in with biblical analogy's: The creation of a new world. The Son of Adam etc. The evil in the new world. The silver apples on the Tree of Life. So now I understand how the wardrobe came to to the be. How exciting for the next book, the LION, THE WITCH and THE WARDROBE. Though, I did find out that this was actually his sixth book the series and written as a prequel to the L.W.T.W. I think cs Lewis was a medievalist, just like Dad. But I am not going to find out anything about him 'til after we're done with the series. I've found that lately when I know too much about an writer it tends to bias my opinion of their writing.
Friday, November 21, 2008
real bridges don't fall or move to arizona

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
quaint little shops
So over the last few weeks when i've had the time, i've taken some little excursions to some of the fun boutique type shops in and around the 2 valley's. I wanted to check out what was what as far as holiday ambiance and gifts etc. So the best little unknown place that is a must visit is Broadbent's off downtown Lehi. I found them around 6 years ago, & it is a place of treasures. It takes you back to grandma's home. Kupie dolls. Fabrics gallore. So indeed a quilters haven. Madame Alexander dolls. A room of year round Christmas ornaments. Sundance suckers and more. Each season is dressed up at the appropriate time. Christmas is the best. You move from one room to another, to experience a different decorated style. Over the years we've bought almost the complete Bobsey Twins book series there. Mags and I loved that series growing up. Plus there are books and books of pop out paper dolls ...every little girl has got to try out playing with paper dolls.
Okay, then of course, I had to take a trip to the country christmas store and go see what was going on at Scrooge and marleys. again, it's hard to be disappointed when you go there. All the wonderful smells of candles make it warm and cozy. plus it's an old house full of crooks and crannies. I still think the customer service there is the PITS but it's a good store. grandma P. would have loved it. Hooked rugs, knitted rugs, wrought iron this and that. quilts and their old barn full of overstock, out of season and big furniture items.
....i've also checked out Hip and HUmble up on 7th and 9thish for the holiday season. They've combined with a clothing boutique. Fun stuff, but frankly I preferred there old location off of 21st and they're inventory seems more trendy than it used to.
Actually, I think Artichokes and Co. in sugarhouse is closer to what H&H used to be like. I think this was my first visit there, and it was sweet as sugar. the decoration of the store was decked out in white feathers hanging down gingerly from the ceiling. Maybe reminicent of icicles? They have some good girly gifts. Here's their link to see many more shops to visit. still need to visit highland garden shop, and............ohh, ooh need to get to Modern Display, always has beautiful Christmas decorations...I did make it over to Modern Display....don't let their disappointing Christmas display on their front yard turn you off. Inside, they do indeed have some amazing Christmas trees that will only put you back a few thousand dollars. And oodles and oodles of ornaments. They also have the ever precious christopher Radko glass ornaments and they have authentic German Nutcrackers, so none of the junkie ones made in China. (no offense if that is what you prefer)
Okay, then of course, I had to take a trip to the country christmas store and go see what was going on at Scrooge and marleys. again, it's hard to be disappointed when you go there. All the wonderful smells of candles make it warm and cozy. plus it's an old house full of crooks and crannies. I still think the customer service there is the PITS but it's a good store. grandma P. would have loved it. Hooked rugs, knitted rugs, wrought iron this and that. quilts and their old barn full of overstock, out of season and big furniture items.
....i've also checked out Hip and HUmble up on 7th and 9thish for the holiday season. They've combined with a clothing boutique. Fun stuff, but frankly I preferred there old location off of 21st and they're inventory seems more trendy than it used to.
Actually, I think Artichokes and Co. in sugarhouse is closer to what H&H used to be like. I think this was my first visit there, and it was sweet as sugar. the decoration of the store was decked out in white feathers hanging down gingerly from the ceiling. Maybe reminicent of icicles? They have some good girly gifts. Here's their link to see many more shops to visit. still need to visit highland garden shop, and............ohh, ooh need to get to Modern Display, always has beautiful Christmas decorations...I did make it over to Modern Display....don't let their disappointing Christmas display on their front yard turn you off. Inside, they do indeed have some amazing Christmas trees that will only put you back a few thousand dollars. And oodles and oodles of ornaments. They also have the ever precious christopher Radko glass ornaments and they have authentic German Nutcrackers, so none of the junkie ones made in China. (no offense if that is what you prefer)
They seek him here, they seek him there......

.....they seek him here, they seek him there. Them Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven or is he in Hell, that damned elusive Pimpernel.
Last night I took the munches to see the Scarlet Pimpernel @ L.P.H. Connorack man did great. He caught on and I think he liked it. But Seingine was a grump and tried to pretend he didn't like even though I caught him laughing over Percy's effeminant ways. A fop he was indeed(Percy, that is). Seing kept begging to leave 'til I said "fine, let's go" and then he sang a different tune and wanted to stay! Go figure.
Last night I took the munches to see the Scarlet Pimpernel @ L.P.H. Connorack man did great. He caught on and I think he liked it. But Seingine was a grump and tried to pretend he didn't like even though I caught him laughing over Percy's effeminant ways. A fop he was indeed(Percy, that is). Seing kept begging to leave 'til I said "fine, let's go" and then he sang a different tune and wanted to stay! Go figure.
Anyway, the kids in the production did great. The costumes were astounding. This is definately a different generation. Those costumes were worth a lot of money no doubt. The lead who played Marguirite had an amazingly, theatre -trained voice, and there is no way she won't go somewhere with her voice. The lead who played Percy also had a well trained voice, but I think it is much harder to sing male parts. Those poor guys when they have to hit HIGH notes. So of course tonight we started watching Jane Seymours version of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Love that movie.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
yes to good lawsuits
....kudos to the guy who is suing, 'bout time. Plus I don't understand how that company gets school records anyway??
...and what is it with all the big business' going "out of business"? today i passed mervyns, linen and things on my way to harolds. all three going out. i'm thinking it was a good thing i ripped my calf muscle and couldn't go back to work for mervyn's. i had actually asked the manager who hired me, if they were going out of business because i could tell they weren't getting the same merchandise thru their buyers that had been staples for years. it's that inner feeling on so many things, and it is amazing how right i turn out to be on things. it felt off then and now i see why....who know's what would have happened.
...and what is it with all the big business' going "out of business"? today i passed mervyns, linen and things on my way to harolds. all three going out. i'm thinking it was a good thing i ripped my calf muscle and couldn't go back to work for mervyn's. i had actually asked the manager who hired me, if they were going out of business because i could tell they weren't getting the same merchandise thru their buyers that had been staples for years. it's that inner feeling on so many things, and it is amazing how right i turn out to be on things. it felt off then and now i see why....who know's what would have happened.
Friday, November 14, 2008
my homage to harold's--bye-bye
oh Harold's, what has happened!
you filed for one of those sections.
does thou not know the alternatives
that have been left to us your true loyalists!
there is oklahoma, texas, cali, utah, southern, northern and
many states between. Harold powells to many, to us
just Harold's. I should have noticed more
that the email's stopped short mid October.
And then today, such shock when the email said
"after 60 years we're going out of business."
you've been good to us over the years, catering and
friendly service. It is so fun to hear one's name with a bright
smile each time one enter's the shop from employee's.
Friendships have been made. "style's have come and style's have gone", but
as for you, you were a constant. But now, perhaps it's the economy,or perhaps it's just
time to let go. Any which way though, thank you for
the experience. Adeiu to an old southern charmer. Bye Harold's.
Love you, love me-kate
since I'm in poetry in my Lit. class right now, I'm trying it out.
you filed for one of those sections.
does thou not know the alternatives
that have been left to us your true loyalists!
there is oklahoma, texas, cali, utah, southern, northern and
many states between. Harold powells to many, to us
just Harold's. I should have noticed more
that the email's stopped short mid October.
And then today, such shock when the email said
"after 60 years we're going out of business."
you've been good to us over the years, catering and
friendly service. It is so fun to hear one's name with a bright
smile each time one enter's the shop from employee's.
Friendships have been made. "style's have come and style's have gone", but
as for you, you were a constant. But now, perhaps it's the economy,or perhaps it's just
time to let go. Any which way though, thank you for
the experience. Adeiu to an old southern charmer. Bye Harold's.
Love you, love me-kate
since I'm in poetry in my Lit. class right now, I'm trying it out.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The world according to two old, well traveled people..gramps and grams
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The candlelight meals in africa.
This is what Seingines school was doing last week. See it is all up to the children of the world. and see this also. Dakkon is in this pic...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
i am so excited about auto cad. never thought i would be.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thank you laura, I loved the tv series too.
In my paper today on Residential Green Construction, I actually got to add kind of a fun little exerpt into one the paragraphs. I wrote of how building from the past was created on knowledge, skill and the environmental surroundings of those making their structures. And, I used the sod roof houses of the mid west 1800's as an example. That (ie:) would be from Laura Ingalls Wilders', Little House of the Prairie series which I read religiously when I was a young lass. Yes, Little House on the Prairie has now been incorporated into a modern day college construction management class research paper. So Connorack Man and Seingine, all the 20 plus times that the two of you have managed to read Diary of a Wimpy Kid/, (from our 2nd grader to 3rd grade and our fifth grader holding strong as a standby if a Calvin and Hobbes book is not available, well into his 7th grade), well then, you just might be able to slide it in as a reference someday when you're in your college Renaissance Art class. Ha, ha!
Monday, November 3, 2008

...i so wanted to go hear the gen contrctor for the fallingwater house preservation project when he was in slc. i missed it. i missed pres. uchtdorf on campus last week too. missed opportunities. But on moments gained, i did get to see alpines halloween parade, w. seingine and i got to see ainsley right after she got her little ears pierced. so cute. Then there was today, when Connorack man got all excited that he was finally getting another opportunity to interact w. the kids in this new ward by going around for fast offerings in our big huge rain storm that we had this afternoon. It was great seeing him smile. Plus thanks, to the boys mom that he walked around with, who gave him a hot bowl of chilli after they were done. And then today, when I walked the boys to their primary and sunday school classes, and when we opened the doors, both boys were greated with echoing shouts of their names from the other kids in their classes, that made me smile. Real life moments! plus, i found taylor, who i used to bbsit when i was a youin', along with her bro, parker and sis, hayley, online. Taylor is so cute. I babysat her and her sibs, basically every other weekend from when she was 6 months old until I got married.
narcasist pop culture word of the year He is so elegantly beautiful. Amazing that they are almost gone due to the natural man. I was always sad back in gradeschool when they talked of extinct animals. I always said that someday I would be excited when I got to see a passenger pigeon. Someday.
Also, here is a link to a 60 min piece that I think is very important to watch. It is amazing how the history of civilization keeps repeating itself over and over......
Also, here is a link to a 60 min piece that I think is very important to watch. It is amazing how the history of civilization keeps repeating itself over and over......
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