...i so wanted to go hear the gen contrctor for the fallingwater house preservation projecthttp://www.fallingwater.org/106/live-view when he was in slc. i missed it. i missed pres. uchtdorf on campus last week too. missed opportunities. But on moments gained, i did get to see alpines halloween parade, w. seingine and i got to see ainsley right after she got her little ears pierced. so cute. Then there was today, when Connorack man got all excited that he was finally getting another opportunity to interact w. the kids in this new ward by going around for fast offerings in our big huge rain storm that we had this afternoon. It was great seeing him smile. Plus thanks, to the boys mom that he walked around with, who gave him a hot bowl of chilli after they were done. And then today, when I walked the boys to their primary and sunday school classes, and when we opened the doors, both boys were greated with echoing shouts of their names from the other kids in their classes, that made me smile. Real life moments! plus, i found taylor, who i used to bbsit when i was a youin', along with her bro, parker and sis, hayley, online. Taylor is so cute. I babysat her and her sibs, basically every other weekend from when she was 6 months old until I got married.
1 comment:
What a great blog!! I love your take on the world and all the great links you post. So fun.
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