Friday, February 13, 2009

new story in motion

So there I was standing in que, in the near-ending drizzle of rain, aloof to much of the somewhat muffled background on goings, of yells and the constant buzzing of chattering fans mouths. I wanted to be here, yet sometimes the rain just permiates through one's body and it sends me into a status of melancholy. But yes, I did want to be here. It was a match that I was looking foward to with much anticipation and it was bound to be a well fought dueling.

Moved to works in writing blog.


The Pixton Family said...

Write more! What happens?!!!

kate said...

okay..i will this week. just trying to decide how to do this. I actually think this would be a good outline for a girly movie script,plus it's partially autobiographical/ partial wishfull thinking.