Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thank you laura, I loved the tv series too.

In my paper today on Residential Green Construction, I actually got to add kind of a fun little exerpt into one the paragraphs. I wrote of how building from the past was created on knowledge, skill and the environmental surroundings of those making their structures. And, I used the sod roof houses of the mid west 1800's as an example. That (ie:) would be from Laura Ingalls Wilders', Little House of the Prairie series which I read religiously when I was a young lass. Yes, Little House on the Prairie has now been incorporated into a modern day college construction management class research paper. So Connorack Man and Seingine, all the 20 plus times that the two of you have managed to read Diary of a Wimpy Kid/, (from our 2nd grader to 3rd grade and our fifth grader holding strong as a standby if a Calvin and Hobbes book is not available, well into his 7th grade), well then, you just might be able to slide it in as a reference someday when you're in your college Renaissance Art class. Ha, ha!


Jessica F. said...

So good hearing from you! You fam looks as cute as ever!

The Pixton Family said...

I lOVE those books and have read them all with my girls. There is a pageant and museum somewhere in the mid-west that I'd love to see one day.