Wednesday, October 15, 2008

up-for-24 hour stints, are made for twenty-year olds, amen.

...i am so bad. It's the middle of the night and I am doing a paper on Heavy Civil Construction. Procrastination?.. maybe! But the bad part is that I am letting myself be distracted by online tv episodes. So I have gotten to know all the shows I've never seen before. And I know that everyone out there is way too busy to watch mind numbing tv or it's not politically correct to admit it or something, but I am watching them. Though there is still always garbage mixed in, there is some pretty good writing on some of these shows. But maybe that is my mind trying to have company in the middle of the night while writing a research paper! By the time I get this paper in, I will have been awake over 24hrs. Yep, I am too old for this all niter stuff! I had better end up with a job that puts me into weird hours bcz my sleeping patterns are the pits.

The connerack man actually made it to a full day of school without being sick. Yahoo! his 4th full day in 3 weeks.

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