Monday, October 13, 2008

tales for the unsuspecting

UGhh!! ...what girl w. two-live wire male children goes back to university? answer:

me, miss crazy maud girl. And what women in her right mind chooses Cnstr Mngmt. answer:

me, again. It can be so intimidating, but I will keep pulling myself back and refocusing. Do not give up. It is about endurance. I am learning most things in life are about endurance.

The maud squad right now is in the midst of disorganized existance, yet slightly one half- step down from total chaos.

While driving and of course right when it is time for bed, the boys mouths open and out rush their words, as fast as a spring run off. So during such a drive, the Connerack man informs me that he luckily got to know his french and english teacher even better in 4 weeks than he got to know his principle of 4 years. I am at a loss on what that means. So that brought up one of our fav stories of the kids former principle:

Last year, Seingine was in 2nd grade and friends with the principle's son. I came home one afternoon to my boys, and was promptly told that the Connerack man was mad at Seingine. I was asked not to get upset at Seingine, of course by Seingine. Okay, what happened? Seing proceeds to explain that during the day, the princpl had come to spk w. his class. Seing knowing the prncpl pretty well bcz of his son, had then gone up to the prncpl after his talk and happily let the princpl know that his big brother,(the Connerack man) did not like him. And not only did he not like him, but he had made an outline of the prncpl's head (of styrofoam) and posted it on his wall. At this likeness of the prncpl, many, many airsoft balls had been shot at the target and it was well worn. (But, he also had some of the girls faces that Hen-picked him w.their bossiness x'd out from his class pic too.) So, he wasnt just picking on the princpl!

Poor Connerack man came home and told me that he caught the principle following him all day long. He stated that he was beginning to feel quite paranoid as to the fact. And at some point he was pulled him the princpls office, and asked by prncpl, what he could do better as a principle for the CM. Poor kid! I asked Seing why he went out of his way to tell the princpl about CM's fun target?...and his response was that he wanted to see what would happen to the Connerack man. Poor kid! I can't imagine what kind of pranks they will play on each other as they get older. I don't do the story justice, but it was so funny then and still is funny today.

It must have been catching because 2nd graders taking on 6 graders became their theme. The boys then preceeded to tell me a new story of how boys will be boys.

So again at school, the Connerack man and his buddies decided to put a KICK ME sign on one of their friends. They then managed to get anothr sign on him that said HARD. So out of the blue, some little 2nd grader comes up and kicks the kid HARD! Oh course surprised and baffled, he wants to know what is up? Then he is shown the sign by the 2nd grader. All the buddies bust out laughing. And the little 2nd grader is lauded as a little stud for being so brave to go up to a 6th grader and kick hard. Now as I remember, if this had been a bunch of little girls, it would be seen as passive/aggressive. But, those boys, all of them thought it was the funniest thing that day, including the kid who was the butt of the joke for a day! You have got to hand it to the "boy" mentality.

Boys are the funniest creatures ever. They drive me nuts. They thrive on getting me into hysterical laughter or total frustration. And they love their mum and they are going to be unbelieveable men. Most fortunate for me. I am so lucky to be their mum! ....and many have concurred.


Kimberly said...

Boys will be boys. . . I am worried that Andrew is going to give us a run for our money when he gets older! I don't know if I am ready for that. You are "Wonder Mom". You are doing everything by yourself, with no repreve. Some days I think I would be put in the nut house if I didn't have Rawlyn to take the kids for a little bit. Hang in there. Like you said. . . . ENDURANCE is the key!! (don't forget to call and make an appt.)

kate said...

thanks kim!! i forgot, i will call u tmrrw.